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What Is The Duration Of Nicotine's Stay In Your Body?

What Is The Duration Of Nicotine's Stay In Your Body?

Angie Perry Angie Perry
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Nicotine is addictive and harmful material. The growing demand leads to its availability in vapes, cigarettes, and e cigarettes. The human body absorbs up to 90 percent soon after consumption. 

However, traces stay in your body even after hours when a person does not feel the effect. 

Hence, questions like how long does it stay in your body or what are the ways to remove it from the body are relatable! The following content is about the duration of nicotine stays in the body!

What Is The Recommended Daily Dose?

Though there is no clear answer to the question, different factors influence the daily dose. The ideal situation is to avoid it at the max. However, data collected from a source recommend a standard daily dose.


Recommended dose Mg\lb

Addictive dose 


160lb person

0.22 to 0.5

2 to 4

What Is The Duration In the System?

The body removes half of it soon after intake. Thus, it's half-life is around 2 hours. The instant, half effect vanishes quickly, leading to the desperate need to take a second dose. The other half of breaks down into different elements soon after consumption that flushes out of the body through urine. 

As the body digests it, the liver enzymes break it into different metabolites with continine in it. Hence, a test seeks for continine into the body. Doctors can find it in the body by testing hair, saliva, blood, etc. Using the above data, the average duration of it in the body organs can be:


Tests can also track it down in the blood. Cotinine and anabasine can be tracked for up to three weeks, while the duration of it in the bloodstream can last up to 48 hours in the blood. However, this result is applicable for up to ten days. 


The level in the body depends on consumption, but how long does it stay in your pee? It shows up in urine for three days. Tests can track up to 20 days in regular smokers through home or lab tests. 


The saliva test can track it down for up to 24 hours. Heavy smokers can show up to 14 days and up to 7 days in regular users. The doctors swab the fluid from your mouth and test it for results. 


Hair can test for a relatively long time. People usually avoid this method for the hefty price tag. The doctor takes a small hair sample to check usage in the past 90 days. 

Factors Affecting Detection Duration

Detection in the body relies on several factors. Since every person varies in body and dosage, however, some common factors are:


Older people are less able to get rid of it in the body. Hence, it stays for a longer time. 


Genes also influence the metabolic nicotine rate in the body. 


Fatty body tissues store it for a longer time. Thus, you can track it for a long duration. 

Water Intake:

A well-hydrated body influences the excretion rate in the body. 

Physical Activity:

The physically active body tends to get rid of it through sweat. So, stay active for more excretion rate. 

Smoking VS Vaping VS Chewing 

Mode of consumption significantly influences the amount entered into the body. For instance, vape users have lower  intake levels compared to smokers. But how to pass a test if you vape, so quitting is better. Since withdrawal is the only way to detox!

On the contrary, chewing delivers more levels into the body than smoking. Besides, the brand name also influences the consumption level in the body.

Common Symptoms Of Nicotine Overdose

Excessive intake can be dangerous. However, common symptoms of overdose in the body include the following:

  • High blood pressure 
  • Speedy breathing 
  • More salivation 
  • Elevated heart rate 
  • Nausea 
  • Sweating 
  • Vomiting 
  • Dizziness 
  • Headache 
  • Confused 
  • Stomach ache 

Seek help in case of any of the above symptoms. 

What Is Nicotine Poisoning?

Nicotine poisoning is excessive amounts in the body. Different factors lead to poisoning, like the product source, body weight, etc. 

The accidental spilling of electric liquid nicotine on the body leads to absorbing it, which ends in poisoning. Therefore take precautionary measures, such as 

  • Keep your skin safe in handling it 
  • Make sure it does not come in contact with kids 
  • Strictly obey the disposal guidelines on the packaging 

In case of any overdose symptoms, seek medical assistance!

How To Withdraw Nicotine From The Body? 

The finest way to withdraw it from the body is by quitting. It's never too late, and users can quit smoking by refraining from tobacco. So, the body breaks it down into small elements and excretes it. But how do you flush it out fast? So follow the subsequent steps to rid the body of it entirely:

Stay Hydrated:

Hydration is the key to improving water intake to flush it from the body. 


A physically active body improves your metabolism. Work out regularly to rid the body of it through sweat. 

Eat Healthy And Nutrition Rich Food:

Antioxidant is the easiest way to speed up removal from the body. Therefore, consume healthy and antioxidant-rich food. Users can choose fruits, vegetables, eggs, salmon, and almonds. 

Though supplements are also easy to speed up, natural and healthy food is safer. 

Symptoms Showing Nicotine Withdrawal From the Body

Since it is addictive, leading to physical and mental dependency. Therefore, withdrawal is the best a user can give themselves. Some common symptoms of withdrawal are:

  • Fatigue 
  • Massive nicotine craving 
  • Increase appetite 
  • Headache 
  • Lesser concentration 
  • Nausea 
  • Uneasiness 
  • Insomnia 
  • Irritability 

The initial withdrawal duration of three to five days can be challenging. But it gradually fades out with time. Sessions like replacement therapy can help you eliminate this addictive habit!


Finally, the duration of nicotine stays in the body depends on different factors, such as the person's age, how much a person consumes, or whether he is a seasonal or regular consumer. Besides, the factors mentioned earlier also play a vital role in the duration of nicotine stay in the body. 

However, the fact is that nicotine can easily be traced from hair, urine, saliva, and blood. It is easy to track from urine for three days, while it stays up in hair for up to 90 days. Remember, the answer to how long nicotine withdrawal last is until it enters the body again! 

Hopefully, this article was helpful with how long nicotine stays in your body. However, withdrawing from smoking is a tremendous favor to the body, so try to stay away from nicotine for a healthy life!

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